Board Member Spotlight
Jon and Heather Mihalic P’21, P’25

Jon and Heather Mihalic are thrilled to represent Clemson University through the DC Baltimore Clemson Club Board of Directors. Jon completed undergraduate studies at Gannon University and his Master’s in Business Administration at Youngstown State University. Heather attended The Pennsylvania State University for undergraduate and completed her Master’s in Health Administration at Central Michigan University. Jon is Director of Global PMO for Deltek, Inc. and Heather is a Registered Dietitian who health coaches for Labcorp. Jon served on the Project Management Institute’s Board of Directors for 2 consecutive terms. Heather has been a member for 17 years with Community Bible Study and volunteers on the Servants Team. In their spare time they enjoy traveling and hiking with their Goldendoodle Marley.
They have two children, Rachel and Reagan. Rachel graduated in 2021 from Clemson University with a Mathematical Sciences Degree and works for Moody’s in Charlotte, NC. Reagan is a junior Accounting major at Clemson and will be a tax accounting intern with Forvis this summer. In addition, their nephew Ian is a senior at Clemson in Biomedical Engineering.
They feel that the one thing that sets Clemson University apart is Clemson’s dedication and commitment to family. Heather’s first DC Baltimore Club event was the Mom’s Care Package event and she was astounded with the love and spirit for Clemson that the moms displayed. They have enjoyed participating in the Mount Vernon cleanup days, Arlington National Cemetery wreath clean up, Mom’s Care package events, embassy visits, and the National Cathedral tour.
They would love to see the DC Baltimore Club focus on including current juniors and seniors at young alumni events to strengthen the ties with recent Clemson graduates. Hopefully, these current students will see the benefits of joining an alumni club and will seek a Clemson alumni club wherever they live upon graduating.
Upcoming Events
See AllMom's Care Package Party - MD
Mom's Care Package Party - MD
February 19
6:30 pm
8:30 pm
Hosted by Jenny Sprungle P’25, P’28 at in Severna Park, Maryland.
We would love to have you join us for a very casual evening of Clemson camaraderie! We’ll enjoy hors d’oeuvres and beverages, meet some great local Clemson moms, and assemble care packages for our Clemson students in time for a mid-term surprise.
Here’s how it works: Once we have a confirmed guest count, each person is asked to bring one item to contribute to the care packages. For example, if we have 15 people joining, then you would bring 15 of one item (Rice Krispies treats, lip balm, ramen noodles, fuzzy socks … you get the idea!) and at the end of the night, you’ll walk away with a box full of goodies that you can mail to your Clemson student(s).
Sounds like fun,right?!
Brookeville Beer Farm
Brookeville Beer Farm
May 18
2:00 pm
4:00 pm
Clemson parents, Tim and Lisa McDonnell (who are co-owners of the Beer Farm), are going ALL-IN by offering exclusives like cornhole, a GaGa Ball pit for the kids and a 10% discount on beer and handmade brick oven pizza. So, get your tickets today for this fun afternoon with fellow Tigers!
Brookeville Beer Farm will once again be offering custom Clemson label 6-packs for $14 each! Be sure to pre-order yours. Limited quantities will be available for purchase at the event.
And no need to worry about weather because there is plenty of indoor and covered outdoor space – this event will happen rain or shine. You can even bring Rover – leashed dogs are welcome at the Beer Farm!
Purchase your tickets today for this family (and dog) friendly event!